Story != Game
Ah that's it... that's why I can't find any games that I like. Because in pretty much all the games I play, gameplay is not story. There are games with strong stories, but entirely unrelated gameplay. Ex: Final Fantasy: epic, lovely stories with... statistical, turn based battles. Most all adventure games... sweeping, magical stories with... "logical" combinations of random items in order to progress the game. There are games with story intermixed with gameplay (Halo, Half Life, others). And you could argue that some games do give story, but ony mood-specific or base level ones(shadow of the colossus... the gameplay communicates the strong theme of david vs goliath). I'm not saying that shadow of the colossus doesn't have a nice story... if I had a ps2 you can bet it'd be in my libary, but its mix of gameplay and story really can't be generalized to other types of play. It works very well for that specific game, but don't look to build other games based on the same principles.
Very few games that I know of communicate complex, deeper-than-face-value story through gameplay. Facade does... supposedly Storytron will... so maybe that's why I'm excited about these. You aren't dealing with the story, hoping to get back to the "heart" of the game. The heart of the game is the story: character interaction, mood, setting... it's not just "side dishes" as Koster might call them.
I don't like gameplay... I like stories. That's why I want to make stories, not games.
Very few games that I know of communicate complex, deeper-than-face-value story through gameplay. Facade does... supposedly Storytron will... so maybe that's why I'm excited about these. You aren't dealing with the story, hoping to get back to the "heart" of the game. The heart of the game is the story: character interaction, mood, setting... it's not just "side dishes" as Koster might call them.
I don't like gameplay... I like stories. That's why I want to make stories, not games.
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